11th Annual EABIS Colloquium
'Strategic Innovation for Sustainability'
2-4 July 2012
IMD, Lausanne
The 11th Annual EABIS Colloquium will be hosted by founding partner IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, on July 2-4, 2012. Building on the 2011 conference at INSEAD, our central theme this year will be Strategic Innovation for Sustainability.
IMD’s Center for Corporate Sustainability will play the lead role in shaping the conference, reflecting its multi-faculty, business-relevant research & learning programme that focuses on strategic innovation in sustainable sourcing, energy/climate change, and sustainable finance.
The conference will feature perspectives from global business and thought leaders, world-leading academics in their field and a range of interactive sessions to expand knowledge horizons in this vital field of practice and study. Notably, it will also integrate the formal 10th anniversary of EABIS and the launch of The Academy’s new vision and mission for our second decade.
The emphasis of the event will be on 1) whether, why and how sustainability can be a key driver for innovation, 2) identification of synergies between sustainability and innovation success, and of 3) product, process and systemic innovative solutions that leverage sustainability issues and turn them into opportunities for companies, thus contributing to competitive advantage and leadership.
The 2012 Annual Colloquium invites research, analysis, case studies and conceptual work from corporate, academic, policy and independent experts from around the world. Papers submitted must focus on topics related to the theme of the conference - Strategic innovation for sustainability - and be submitted by 20 April 2012. Download here the full call for contributions.
A Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Corporate Governance: The International Journal for Business in Society will be launched at the Colloquium; with a provisonal deadline for full papers on 16 January 2013.
For any questions regarding the Colloquium or the call for contributions, please email to colloquium@eabis.org.
More information and registration
Registration for the 11th EABIS Colloquium will open soon. Please come back and visit this space.
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