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Practical Wisdom for Management from the spiritual and philosophical traditions
Can managers learn to be wise?
Background and objectives
EABIS and Yale University, supported by EFMD, are organising a series of international conferences on practical wisdom for management from the world’s spiritual and philosophical traditions, addressing the central question: How can we bring back the value of wisdom in management and management education?
A special issue of the Journal of Management Development follows the conferences on each occasion. They are designed to bring together philosophers, theologians, social sciences scholars, economists, management scholars and business leaders to engage in reflection and dialogue and to find new grounding for management practice.
Forthcoming conference
- Practical Wisdom for Management from the Japanese Religious Traditions, Soka University, Tokyo, 11-13 May 2013 - Call for Contributions are NOW OPEN!
- Closing Conference for Phase I of Practical Wisdom for Management Project, 9 -10 July, Yale University, USA
Past conferences and Publications
- Christian traditions
The Practical wisdom for management from the Christian traditions, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany), Eichstätt, 24-26 September 2009
Journal of Management Development, Vol.29, Issue 7/8, 2010, Special Issue on Practical Wisdom from the Christian Traditions - Chinese classical traditions
Practical Wisdom for management from the Chinese Classical Traditions, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, 18-19 June 2010
Journal of Management Development, Vol. 30, Issue 7/8, 2011, Special Issue on Practical Wisdom from the Chinese Tradition - Jewish traditions
Practical Wisdom for Management from the Jewish Tradition, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Be'er Sheva and Jerusalem, 4-5 July 2011
Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31, Issue 9, 2012, Special Issue on Practical Wisdom from the Jewish Tradition - Islamic traditions
Practical Wisdom for Management from the Islamic Traditions, Al Akhawayn University (Morocco), Ifrane, 17-18 November 2011
Journal of Management Development, Vol. 31, Issue 10, 2012, Special Issue on Practical Wisdom from the Islamic Traditions - Indian religious traditions
Practical Wisdom for management from the Indian Religious Traditions, Indian Institute of management in Kozhikode, Kerala, 12-13 January 2012
- Buddhist Traditions Thamassat Business School, Bangkok, Thailand, 15-16 November 2012
Practical Wisdom for Management and Economics from the Buddhist Traditions, Thammasat Business School (Thailand), Bangkok, 15-16 November 2012